All Artwork can be printed in full-color and Quantities are handled by the print media being used and not Stock available for the Art itself. Use the Full-Color Prints link to select print media type and quantity.
About the art
This art is created by combing audio waveforms with digital imagery and manipulation in a 3D environment. The results of which are rendered in the form of a 3D ring, with the waveform wrapped around it. I picked up on this idea after seeing several artists using waveforms in their own creations. Also visit TeePublic or RedBubble to purchase wearable products (like tshirts, hats, hoodies, and more) displaying these pieces of art.
This waveform was created from The Bagles - Walk Like an Egyptian .
Ordering Locations
Model Number - (#ma22)
(U.S. Domestic only)
This product was added to our catalog on Monday 12 September, 2022.